Tuesday 12 July 2016

Protect Yourself from the Allergies This Summer

Summer time is finally here (almost, use your imagination)! That means barbeques, days at the beach and hikes through the woods. Who doesn’t love getting out, enjoying some fresh air and experiencing all the beauty that Houston has to to offer? But what of those with allergies? Oh, you think people only experience allergies during the fall and spring?

Think again! Allergies are around during every season, and summer is no exception. While pollen may be less of a concern, there are still plenty of allergies in the Houston area to go around.

Sunscreen. It is the backbone to any summer outing. Important to protect yourself from burns, skin cancer and really, everyone looks cool with a little shine on the bridge of their nose. Many of the sunscreens on the market contain chemicals that our bodies are not use to. Some may breakout in a rash or hives after a few minutes or hours of wearing the sunscreen.

Barbecues. How fun. The kids are running around the backyard; the adults are enjoying some cold beverages huddles around the picnic tables trading stories from their weeks so far. Those that have a severe allergy to tree pollen may find that they begin to experience an allergic reaction once that barbecue is underway. This is because the wood that is being burned, usually to add flavor to the meat, may still contain pollen. That pollen is released into the air once the tree is burned.

Insects. Maybe the worst part about summer? You swat at them, you light candles to keep them away but sometimes no matter what you do the bugs just keep on coming. Yellow jackets, honeybees, paper wasps, hornets and fire ants are the five types of insects that are known to create the most severe type of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The reaction to an insect sting is hard to predict, you may be fine the first time you are stung by a bee, but the next time you could suffer from a severe reaction.

The only surefire way to prevent yourself from suffering from a summertime allergic reaction is to visit your Houston allergyspecialist. The allergist will run a series of tests to determine what you are allergic to. You can then work on a treatment plan before the warm weather sets in.  You may be advices to carry an epinephrine auto injector with you. This is the only known treatment for a life threatening reaction.